Apricot & Coconut Energy Balls

Nov 2, 2023 | Snacks & Sweets

Super quick, healthy and delicious snacks.

Simply prepare and store in the fridge or freezer ready to grab as a snack.

Rich in vitamins, minerals and in omega-3 fatty acids which provide a super boost to physically and mentally.

Provides a slow release of energy to keep you going throughout your day.

Makes 8
Takes 10 minutes


  • 150g dried apricots
  • 50g coconut shreds
  • 50g almonds
  • 50g almond butter
  • 1tbs coconut oil
  • 1bs wheatgerm
  • pinch sea salt


Blitz the apricots, coconut shreds, almonds, almond butter, coconut oil,  wheatgerm and sea salt in a food processor. Keep a few pieces of the coconut shreds back for the topping.

Scoop out a ball of mixture, I like to use an ice-cream scoop as it helps to gauge the ball size.

Roll the ball mixture to a compact ball.

Top with a piece of coconut shred. This helps me to identify the flavour of the balls in the container I keep in the fridge or freezer.


To Serve

Take out of the fridge and eat!
Take out of the freezer approx. ½ hour before eating.


Fridge 2 weeks.
Freezer 3 months.

Food Produce

Ideally use organic food produce where possible.

Visit your local food suppliers or farmers market for fresh produce.

Consider the animal welfare when selecting fresh meat,poultry, eggs and dairy.

Select foods that are ethically sourced.

Ideally know the provenance.

Consider eating more sustainable foods.


Helpful Books

Food for Life and many others – Author Tim Spector

bespoke facial London

Author: Angela Taffinder the founder of Emporium Treatment Clinic. A practising Aesthetician for 35+ years, holistic and wellbeing advocate and yoga instructor. The creator of Yoga & Vitality.