Worrying Too Much? Take A Quick Test

Are Your Negative Thoughts Having A Negative Impact On Your Life?
To acknowledge whether you are over-worrying can be a daunting prospect. Becoming aware can be the first great step to making some changes.
Here are a few questions to help you assess where you are.
Are You Worrying Too Much?
Answer these simple Yes / No questions below:
- Do you have worrying thoughts whirling endlessly in your mind?
- Do you worry about things that you have no control over?
- Do you feel so worried that emotion makes you more worried?
- Is worrying actually helping you?
- Have you experiencing worried emotions longer than 12 weeks?
- Do you feel unease, tension, irritable, nervousness?
- Do you experience rapid heart rate, irregular, shallow breath
- Do you have tight neck, shoulder and chest?
- Do you procrastinate, avoid, put things off?
- Is your worrying affecting other areas of your life?
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If you answer Yes to over 5 of these questions you would greatly benefit from incorporating some changes to your life.
Click here to learn more about What Is Worry?
Find out how to make those changes. read blog: How To Stop Worrying
Personal experiences via Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Psychotherapy.
500 + hour Yoga Teacher training journey.
‘How To Stop Worrying and Find Unlimited Happiness’ – By Alexender W Allen
‘Internal Family systems Therapy’ – By Richard C Schwartz
‘The Body Keeps The Score’ – By Bressel A Van Der Kolk
‘The Breath’ – By James Nestor
Contact Angela for a free chat about any of concerns.
Contact: 07930661971
Author: Angela Taffinder the founder of Emporium Treatment Clinic. A practising Aesthetician for 35+ years, holistic and wellbeing advocate and yoga instructor. The creator of Yoga & Vitality.