Honey, Lemon & Ginger Energy Balls

Oct 16, 2023 | Recipes, Snacks & Sweets

Super quick, healthy and delicious snacks.

Simply prepare and store in the fridge or freezer ready to grab as a snack.

Rich in vitamins, minerals and in omega-3 fatty acids which provide a super boost to physically and mentally.

Provides a slow release of energy to keep you going throughout your day.

Makes 8
Takes 10 minutes


  • 75gm dried apricots
  • 75gm madgool dates
  • 50gm almond butter
  • 50gm sunflower seeds
  • 50gm diced stem ginger
  • 1 lemon grated rind
  • 1tbs manuka or Zambian honey
  • 1tbs coconut oil
  • 1tbs wheatgerm


Blitz the apricots, dates, almond butter, sunflower seeds, grated lemon rind and honey in a food processor. Keep a few pieces of the lemon rind back for the topping.

Mix in the diced stem ginger pieces, keep a few pieces back for the topping.

Scoop out a ball of mixture, I like to use an ice-cream scoop as it helps to gauge the ball size.

Roll the ball mixture to a compact ball.

Top with the few pieces of ginger and lemon rind. This helps me to identify the flavour of the balls in the container I keep in the fridge or freezer.

To Serve

Take out of the fridge and eat!
Take out of the freezer approx. ½ hour before eating.


Fridge 2 weeks.
Freezer 3 months.

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Author: Angela Taffinder the founder of Emporium Treatment Clinic. A practising Aesthetician for 35+ years, holistic and wellbeing advocate and yoga instructor. The creator of Yoga & Vitality.