What Is Worry?

In this article I will provide an overview of what worry is, how it can manifest into deeper concerns and how it can affect us emotionally and physically.
I will provide sequel articles with tools to help you to make positive changes, as well as to overcome negative, worried emotions and to feel a better version of yourself.
I will help you feel the worries of the day go away.
What Is Worry?
Worry is that feeling of unease that occurs when your thoughts are focused on current difficulties in your life or potential problems that have not yet actually occurred.
Worry is a common overwhelming emotion that comes up when we feel uncertain about the future. It removes us from being in the present moment.
We all have feelings of worry sometimes. These can be normal responses to certain situations, such as worry about a work commitment, about the kids, or paying the bills. You might even worry about the way you look as you compare yourself to thousands of idealised images of other people as you scroll through the screens of social media platforms. It is horrifying that they have created a obscuring lens to illustrate a perceived beauty, glamour, and luxurious lifestyle. But remind yourself, it’s simply not real.
A little worry can be motivating, constructive and help to achieve our goals. Too much worry can be destructive, draining and damaging to us emotionally and physically.
Worry can serve as a way to avoid facing the issue or difficulty head on. Worrying and anticipating can exasperate the situation more than if you just took care of the issue in the first place.
When we don’t manage worry it can cause thought patterns that are very difficult.
It is without doubt that our society exists in a worried world – rising living costs and world conflicts, global environmental concerns, the list goes on, all heightened by being so connected to the world-wide web. Bombardment from the media and the ping of notifications are relentless. What is important to recognise is that you can’t predict certain situations in life, they are simply out of your control. What we can do is aim to manage our own thoughts, as worrying will not help oneself or anyone else.
There is not one person in the world who has not experienced worry and fear, such as during the recent world pandemic.
As hard as it might seem, managing your worried thoughts and changing them into positive emotions is imperative before they manifest into other deeper related issues and cause prolonged suffering.
Allowing your worried thoughts to ruminate can progress into chronic worry. Chronic worry can lead to stress, anxiety, feelings of fear, dread, and general unease that darkens your whole life.

Here Are Some Of The Symptoms Of Worry
- Feeling nervous, irritable, tense
- Rapid heart rate
- Digestive complaints – nausea
- Headaches
- Irregular breathing
- Panick attack
- Tense neck, shoulder, chest, jaw pain
- Compromised decision making
- Sleep issues
- Difficulties concentrating
- Exhaustion – fatigue
- Compromised immune system
- Inflammatory skin ailments
If you are plagued by exaggerated worry you may also experience other related issues, including anxiety related conditions and disorders such as Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Attacks, Avoidance Behaviours, OCD and Post Traumatic Stress.
Find out if you are worrying too much. Take A Quick Test
Find out how to make changes. Read blog: How To Stop Worrying
Personal experiences via Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Psychotherapy.
500 + hour Yoga Teacher training journey.
‘How To Stop Worrying and Find Unlimited Happiness’ – By Alexender W Allen
‘Internal Family systems Therapy’ – By Richard C Schwartz
‘The Body Keeps The Score’ – By Bressel A Van Der Kolk
‘The Breath’ – By James Nestor
Contact Angela for a free chat about any of concerns.
Contact: 07930661971
Author: Angela Taffinder the founder of Emporium Treatment Clinic. A practising Aesthetician for 35+ years, holistic and wellbeing advocate and yoga instructor. The creator of Yoga & Vitality.