Yoga is a combination of mental, physical and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. The practice focuses on alignment, strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, breathing and mindfulness that embraces mind, body and spirit.
There are many lineages of yoga that have adapted over the many thousands of years to offer a diverse range of modern yoga practice as we know it today, practice that consists of a sequences of either dynamic or slow movements, that combine static and flow with fast and slow actions, in a balanced and natural way.
As a health promoting practice it uses breath, movements, poses, focus, mindfulness and meditation to promote physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
It helps to improve overall health, happiness and harmony between body and mind, and to harness spiritual and creative development.
Book your class today:
Pre Session
- Select the level of Yoga practise appropriate to suit you.
- Check which props are required for the chosen practise.
- Inform your instructor of any contra-indications or medical precautions.
- Avoid eating at least 2 hours before yoga practise.
- Find a peaceful space for your yoga mat where you can focus inward…ideally!
During a One to One session your instructor will ask you to complete a simple questionnaire and medical history to identify your wellness improvement goals.
For your safety and care – Prior to taking any yoga class please read our full health disclaimer here
Types of Yoga
What are some of the types of yoga?
Hatha Yoga: This is known to be a more gentle, integrative form of yoga, which seeks the pathway to a higher power by integrating aspects of the self through relaxation, postures, pranayama, purification practices and promoting harmony of the body and mind.
Flow Yoga: This can generally be defined as a yoga class that incorporates either slow or more energetic movement through a series of yoga postures, by which the student experiences a sense of fluid physical motion.
Vinyasa Yoga: This style of yoga is characterised by weaving postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath with more energetic movement. Commonly “vinyasa” yoga is also often referred to as power yoga.
Yin Yoga: This a slow-paced style of yoga as exercise, incorporating principles of traditional Chinese medicine, with asanas that are held for longer periods of time than in other styles, to release muscular tension and stress.
Incorporates yoga poses on the ground, seated or in a reclined position with no standing poses.
Restorative Yoga: This yoga is the practice of asanas, each held for longer than in conventional yoga practise and often with the support of props such as cushions and bolsters, to relax the body and mind.
Incorporates yoga poses on the ground, seated or in a reclined position with no standing poses.
Stretching Yoga: Stretching involves holding a yoga pose in alignment and lengthening the muscles in that position until you are stretching to the maximum, often leading to a release in tension.
Fitness Yoga: Fitness Yoga is an effective workout for the body and mind. A fusion of aerobic and anaerobic movements, elements from Hatha Yoga and traditional exercise all inked together in a series of poses that create strength, flexibility, endurance and balance.
Chair Yoga: Chair Yoga is a gentle practice in which poses are performed while seated and/or with the aid of a chair. Students can experience many benefits of yoga and breath work without having to get up and down from the floor. Benefits include increased balance, strength, flexibility, range of motion and stress reduction.
Senior Yoga: This is a specialised yoga that is designed to be both gentle and safe for the elderly individuals. It can help improve balance and flexibility, making it easier to perform everyday tasks and reduce falls. Low impact movements help to build strength whilst increasing range of motion to maintain agility. Mindful breathing techniques help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration and memory.
Pregnancy Yoga: This is a great way for expecting moms to stay healthy during their pregnancy. It involves classic yoga poses with emphasis on safety and support for mom and baby. It can help improve balance, flexibility, and strength, while also providing relaxation and stress relief.
Trauma Sensitive Yoga: This is an approach to support the healing of trauma that combines the physical practice of yoga with mindfulness and self-regulation techniques. It is a holistic and empowering approach that helps individuals learn to manage their responses to trauma-related triggers and distress.
Benefits of Yoga
Why do yoga sessions?
There are many benefits to include:
- Increase muscle strength and tone.
- Encourage balance, focus, flexibility and co-ordination.
- Improves the condition of bones and joints.
- Releasing knots and tension.
- Improves cardio and circulatory health.
- Improves respiration and breathing
- Improves digestion
- Maintains a balanced metabolism.
- Aids weight reduction.
- Improves athletic performance.
- Protection from injury.
- Helps with back pain relief.
- Can ease arthritis symptoms.
- Promote energy and brighter moods.
- Reduction in stress-related disorders.
- Improve Sleep.
- Promotes health and vitality.
- Connects you with a supportive community.
- and much more…
More FAQs
What will the session involve?
Optional – You can personalise your space by introducing a choice of colours from a home changeable light system. The chosen hues and colour tones help to express a specific mood environment to suit you, as do essential oil infusions. These can promote calm, relaxation, balance the nervous system, and improve energy levels, to name but a few effects. Click here to see our room environment tips.
Ensure the temperature of your practise space is appropriate to suit you.
Wear comfortable clothing and perform barefoot, however non slip foot wear can be worn if more appropriate for you.
Drink small amounts of water throughout the practise.
As your instructor I will guide you through the breathing techniques, movements, yoga poses, mindfulness and meditation to encouraging strength, tone, balance, flexibility, relaxation, and to establish a reconnection between your body and mind.
I honours both the history of yoga as well its ever-changing modalities to provide authentic, diverse and creative yoga and mindfulness classes with a focus on inspiring people to develop a practice that they enjoy and benefit from regardless of fitness level.
The session are available via one to one or group classes and subscription library.
Does it hurt?
Yoga isn’t supposed to hurt.
As is the case with anyone engaging in a physical pursuit, people practising yoga may sometimes tweak their necks or backs, pull their hamstrings or overwork a muscle group.
During your yoga practice it is imperative that you listen to your own body, leave your ego behind as this will not serve you for a safe practice.
For your safety and care please read our full health disclaimer here.
What can I expect as a newcomer to Yoga?
Many newcomers to the practice of yoga are uncomfortable at first. You are twisting your bodies into positions that you’ve never tried before, and it can definitely be awkward for a beginner. I will provide precise instructions to ensure you feel more at ease in the practice. It is strongly advised that you select a Beginners or All Levels yoga class. Alternatively a One To One class can be a great step as an option to set you up on your yoga journey.
What is the most appropriate level of yoga to suit me?
Beginners classes are designed to set you up for the beginning of your yoga journey.
All Levels classes are designed for most level yoga practitioners. There’s usually something for everyone.
Intermediate classes are designed to suit a yoga practitioner ready to take a challenge.
With years of experience advanced yoga practice provides the opportunity to explore more challenging and complex yoga poses.
How many days a week should you do yoga?
There are no rules as to how often you can practise yoga each week as there are many types of yoga practise which provide a cross training/practise which reflects on the actions on the body and mind. However, as a general guide, yoga is best practised between three times per week with a varied selection of practice.
How quickly will I see the results?
You will feel results immediately after a single session, with a sense of being energised and relaxed, with better mood.
How long will results last?
Following a single session you feel more relaxed, energised and calmer in your breathing. As you progress you will learn the techniques of breathing and movements so that you can practise on your own and incorporate this into your daily life, depending also on other factors such as work environment, nutrition and lifestyle influences.
Can yoga have negative effects?
It is possible to experience negative effects practising yoga, however this generally occurs with yoga self-study without guidance. Adverse effects may be associated with hand, shoulder, and head stands. To prevent negative effects, it is imperative to inform the instructor of any concerns you are experiencing so that your practice can be modified to suit you.
Disclaimer: Any views or advice obtained via this website should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice or treatment, especially if you are aware of, or suffer from, a specific health complaint.
I recommend that you maintain your relationship with your GP as yoga can be integrated when necessary to provide complementary wellbeing services. Your GP will also be able to arrange any diagnostic procedures you may need, and provide emergency cover. The information on this website is written WITHOUT PREJUDICE
After Care
It is advised to give yourself the time and space post yoga practise to ensure you gain the true benefits.
Advice For A Greater Sense Of Wellbeing:
- Drink at least 1 to 2 litres of water daily to support the body functions.
- Chose a healthier eating plan best suited to you and your lifestyle.
- Eat a balanced diet of foods you like each day.
- Include a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins.
- Also include a variety of wholegrains, essential fats and minerals.
- Add some herbs & spices to experience their powerful properties.
- Avoid processed foods.
- Take good quality health supplements to support your diet & lifestyle.
- Aid your gut heath to support your brain health and other systems.
- Move more, take up regular exercise.
- Include stretching into your exercise regime.
- Do activities you enjoy.
- Connect with nature.
- Take time out to relax.
- Be mindful to be in the moment.
- Try to practice Meditation, Yoga, Qigong or such like.
- Take time out from digital devices.
- Soak away muscle tension & stress in a hot mineral salt bath.
- Infuse essential oils to promote calm & relaxation.
- Balance emotions.
- Avoid your digital devices several hours prior to sleeping.
- Aim for 8 hours sleep each night.
- Be positive, laugh & be happy.
- Go easy on yourself.