Dill, Garlic & Black Pepper Sauerkraut

This is a quick and easy to make Sauerkraut.
Excellent source of vitamins and fibre which provide pre-biotics to the gut microbiome to support a healthy gut.
Makes 350ml Jar
Takes 20 minutes
- 300g white cabbage shredded
- 6g tablespoon salt
- 2 cloves grated garlic
- 1tsp black pepper corns
- 1-2 tsp caraway seeds
- 2tbs fresh dill chopped
- 1 mini cucumber finely sliced
Place the shredded cabbage and salt into a mixing bowl, then with clean hands massage the ingredients for approx. 10 minutes until the cabbage has become soft.
Add the garlic, black pepper corns, caraway seeds, dill and cucumber to the cabbage, then mix well.
Decanter into a sterilised jar.
Lay cling film over the jar rim ensuring there is a good overlap down the sides.
Use the end of a rolling pin to push down the ingredients.
(Be careful not to tear the cling film)
Place the lid on over the overlapping cling film.
Leave in a black bin liner in a dark place.
(I do this in case it decides to explode)
Remove the jar lid and press down to release the gasses every day.
After 6 weeks, place into the fridge ready to eat.
To Serve
Ideal to accompany many meals whether a salad, in a sandwich, quiche or as a light snack with a piece of cheese.
To Store
Store in the fridge for up 8 weeks.
Food Produce
Ideally use organic food produce where possible.
Visit your local food suppliers or farmers market for fresh produce.
Consider the animal welfare when selecting fresh meat,poultry, eggs and dairy.
Select foods that are ethically sourced.
Ideally know the provenance.
Consider eating more sustainable foods.
Helpful Books

Author: Angela Taffinder the founder of Emporium Treatment Clinic. A practising Aesthetician for 35+ years, holistic and wellbeing advocate and yoga instructor. The creator of Yoga & Vitality.